March 7, 2011
False Justification
I personally consider myself an Existentialist, strongly believing that Existence precedes Essence. A man can easily differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. This differentiation is done by using one’s brain, and by seeing, observing and adapting to the norms of the society one lives in. Therefore, it is safe to assume that a man exists first, realizes who he is, knows and adapts to the world, and then makes a place for himself in it – that would be his essence. Whatever decisions or actions one takes, he is solely responsible for it. Therefore, if one decides to commit something wrong, it goes to show where his morals & values lies, and that he is responsible for it.
People know what is wrong and what is right, and I personally think everyone strives to be the best person out there…in their own way. This ‘own way’ is what creates the problems. I have witnessed so far in my short life, that people are highly capable to falsely justify their actions to be morally and ethically correct, even though they are just plainly wrong. By doing these justifications, they somehow make themselves believe that what they did is completely right, put the blame of their wrong actions on others, and once they start believing that, all they have to do is make others believe in that ‘truth’ too. There can be two reasons for this, the first one being that everyone is extremely smart to do this type of feat quite effectively, or the second one being that one does not have a strong conscience. I believe that the latter is true unfortunately.
It seems like that everyone has this outwardly face that they have created and reserved for the entire world to see, however, everyone has a dark side hiding inside them waiting to be unleashed at the most inopportune times when the person becomes weak enough to carry on the façade he has created, any longer. Sometimes this dark side can take a person to unmatched heights of gaining power, but for many of them it is the cause of their doom in life.
Yeah ok, perhaps this inspires you for a total of 1.4675 seconds.
But still, I’ve come to realise that many situations in life can be dealt with differently just by changing your perspective a little. Sure, it’s not easy and it’s probably harder to do – but if makes things
better in the long run, then why not?
People know what is wrong and what is right, and I personally think everyone strives to be the best person out there…in their own way. This ‘own way’ is what creates the problems. I have witnessed so far in my short life, that people are highly capable to falsely justify their actions to be morally and ethically correct, even though they are just plainly wrong. By doing these justifications, they somehow make themselves believe that what they did is completely right, put the blame of their wrong actions on others, and once they start believing that, all they have to do is make others believe in that ‘truth’ too. There can be two reasons for this, the first one being that everyone is extremely smart to do this type of feat quite effectively, or the second one being that one does not have a strong conscience. I believe that the latter is true unfortunately.
It seems like that everyone has this outwardly face that they have created and reserved for the entire world to see, however, everyone has a dark side hiding inside them waiting to be unleashed at the most inopportune times when the person becomes weak enough to carry on the façade he has created, any longer. Sometimes this dark side can take a person to unmatched heights of gaining power, but for many of them it is the cause of their doom in life.
Yeah ok, perhaps this inspires you for a total of 1.4675 seconds.
But still, I’ve come to realise that many situations in life can be dealt with differently just by changing your perspective a little. Sure, it’s not easy and it’s probably harder to do – but if makes things
better in the long run, then why not?
March 4, 2011
Writing ....
Writing is used for so many different reasons in life. A person can write to express themselves in creative ways.
Or to vent their everyday frustrations and anger within negative situations. And writing is a tool that therapists
often use, as a therapeutic means for healing, with their patients. Also, writing can be used to protest wrongs
within society. Or to cheer up a friend or make someone smile.
There are plenty of ways of writing too. There’s the traditional way, of pen to paper, of scribbling in a notebook
or journal. Also “snail-mail”, handwritten letters sent back and forth between friends, relatives, or lovers.
In the electronic age, there are emails and cellphone texting. There are forums and social networking sites,
where people are writing up a storm to each other in posts. And of course there is blogging, one person expressing
there likes and dislikes (or whatever), much like this site. ;-)
There are also books being published and magazine articles being written, in the professional world of writing,
No matter how or on what form of media a person choose to write, there are billions of people writing everyday.
And the reasons for why people choose to write are many. Sometimes the reasons are common, but sometimes not.
My reasons for writing is simple… I have been writing,
since the age of nine, when my fourth grade teacher first showed me how to put my words onto paper.
I’ve told this story a million times, whenever a person asks, “Why do you write so much?” All I can answer is,
I’ve been writing since I was a little girl, I loved it and never stopped loving it, so I continue to do it. It’s a
part of me. I have no grand aspirations for it, other than to enjoy grabbing my thoughts and imagination from my
head, and splattering them into black and white. It makes me happy and it’s a nice hobby of mine. ;-)
I never wanted to grow up and be a writer, to be honest. Writing has always been something that I enjoy doing,
but I had no desire to make into a profession. I wanted (and still wish it) to be an FBI Agent, working in the
division of bringing lost and missing children back home to their families. That was the professional career
that I’ve always wanted, to work in law enforcement to protect children. But my life didn’t quite work out in
that way…
Still, my writing is my solace and my way to express myself. I am “opinionated” and a lot of times people don’t
listen to me in person, talking right over me, ignore what I have to say. I write so that my thoughts and ideas
are not lost to me. I sometimes come back to this blog, to read over what I had written any given day, to hear
myself within the roaring sea of my life. I don’t write for an audience, to gain fame or popularity, or to please
the masses. I write for me and maybe to make my friends and family laugh. I can be a ham, if I know they’re reading!
Hi, mom! ;-)
I have added this blog to a FaceBook page, not to gain more readers. In fact,
I almost backed out of making that page and if I get a bit overwhelmed by traffic,
I can tear it down whenever I wish to. I had realized that even though I write this blog for me, me, and me,
many others have been visiting for a while now. These are strangers from all over the world and all over the US,
as my blog stats reports have it. They are respectful and silent, reading and returning to read, not leaving
a comment or making a big deal out of my random posts. Which I appreciate! Loud noises and sudden movements
tend to startle this squirrel. :-o
But, I realized that I couldn’t keep this site hidden for long.
And the more I try to, the more popular it may become, like a underground cult following of some sort.
So, I might as well put it out there a little and make it a little less special! :-p
HOWEVER, I’m still writing this blog for me only. I’m not going to hire proof-readers, change up my usual
randomness, or writing patterns to suit an audience. My posts will continue to have some bad grammar slips
and stay on my usual rantings, thoughts, and ideas as always. But, the frequency will have to change a bit.
Last season, I had a habit of posting here Monday-Friday. And I thought about going back to doing that,
come spring, but no. Even when my muse (my best friend) comes back, I simply won’t have the time to spend
writing in my blog as much, because I’m trying to get my life into shape. I’m not getting any younger and I
can’t be a slacker forever. So, for some weeks, I may go on a writing binge of Monday-Friday posts. And for
some weeks, there may be only one or two posts. Or no posts for a few weeks. It depends on my mood or what
exactly I feel compelled to share, at any given moment. So, this blog itself will be randomly written. ;-)
But back to my first point, writing can be a lot healing and self-satisfying. And there is only a few wrong
ways of using this tool. It’s important to remember that line from the movie “The Social Network”… That when
you write on the internet, what you write is in pen, not pencil. You can’t erase what you’ve expressed and it’s
stuck out there for good. So, I try to make sure that what I write is something that I don’t mean or something
that I’ll regret later. The opinions expressed here are my true ones and not subject to change.
And if I do change my mind on something, I’ll be sure to post that. But… don’t hold your breath. ;-)
Or to vent their everyday frustrations and anger within negative situations. And writing is a tool that therapists
often use, as a therapeutic means for healing, with their patients. Also, writing can be used to protest wrongs
within society. Or to cheer up a friend or make someone smile.
There are plenty of ways of writing too. There’s the traditional way, of pen to paper, of scribbling in a notebook
or journal. Also “snail-mail”, handwritten letters sent back and forth between friends, relatives, or lovers.
In the electronic age, there are emails and cellphone texting. There are forums and social networking sites,
where people are writing up a storm to each other in posts. And of course there is blogging, one person expressing
there likes and dislikes (or whatever), much like this site. ;-)
There are also books being published and magazine articles being written, in the professional world of writing,
No matter how or on what form of media a person choose to write, there are billions of people writing everyday.
And the reasons for why people choose to write are many. Sometimes the reasons are common, but sometimes not.
My reasons for writing is simple… I have been writing,
since the age of nine, when my fourth grade teacher first showed me how to put my words onto paper.
I’ve told this story a million times, whenever a person asks, “Why do you write so much?” All I can answer is,
I’ve been writing since I was a little girl, I loved it and never stopped loving it, so I continue to do it. It’s a
part of me. I have no grand aspirations for it, other than to enjoy grabbing my thoughts and imagination from my
head, and splattering them into black and white. It makes me happy and it’s a nice hobby of mine. ;-)
I never wanted to grow up and be a writer, to be honest. Writing has always been something that I enjoy doing,
but I had no desire to make into a profession. I wanted (and still wish it) to be an FBI Agent, working in the
division of bringing lost and missing children back home to their families. That was the professional career
that I’ve always wanted, to work in law enforcement to protect children. But my life didn’t quite work out in
that way…
Still, my writing is my solace and my way to express myself. I am “opinionated” and a lot of times people don’t
listen to me in person, talking right over me, ignore what I have to say. I write so that my thoughts and ideas
are not lost to me. I sometimes come back to this blog, to read over what I had written any given day, to hear
myself within the roaring sea of my life. I don’t write for an audience, to gain fame or popularity, or to please
the masses. I write for me and maybe to make my friends and family laugh. I can be a ham, if I know they’re reading!
Hi, mom! ;-)
I have added this blog to a FaceBook page, not to gain more readers. In fact,
I almost backed out of making that page and if I get a bit overwhelmed by traffic,
I can tear it down whenever I wish to. I had realized that even though I write this blog for me, me, and me,
many others have been visiting for a while now. These are strangers from all over the world and all over the US,
as my blog stats reports have it. They are respectful and silent, reading and returning to read, not leaving
a comment or making a big deal out of my random posts. Which I appreciate! Loud noises and sudden movements
tend to startle this squirrel. :-o
But, I realized that I couldn’t keep this site hidden for long.
And the more I try to, the more popular it may become, like a underground cult following of some sort.
So, I might as well put it out there a little and make it a little less special! :-p
HOWEVER, I’m still writing this blog for me only. I’m not going to hire proof-readers, change up my usual
randomness, or writing patterns to suit an audience. My posts will continue to have some bad grammar slips
and stay on my usual rantings, thoughts, and ideas as always. But, the frequency will have to change a bit.
Last season, I had a habit of posting here Monday-Friday. And I thought about going back to doing that,
come spring, but no. Even when my muse (my best friend) comes back, I simply won’t have the time to spend
writing in my blog as much, because I’m trying to get my life into shape. I’m not getting any younger and I
can’t be a slacker forever. So, for some weeks, I may go on a writing binge of Monday-Friday posts. And for
some weeks, there may be only one or two posts. Or no posts for a few weeks. It depends on my mood or what
exactly I feel compelled to share, at any given moment. So, this blog itself will be randomly written. ;-)
But back to my first point, writing can be a lot healing and self-satisfying. And there is only a few wrong
ways of using this tool. It’s important to remember that line from the movie “The Social Network”… That when
you write on the internet, what you write is in pen, not pencil. You can’t erase what you’ve expressed and it’s
stuck out there for good. So, I try to make sure that what I write is something that I don’t mean or something
that I’ll regret later. The opinions expressed here are my true ones and not subject to change.
And if I do change my mind on something, I’ll be sure to post that. But… don’t hold your breath. ;-)
February 16, 2011
To much to handle
Its Wednesday and it rain cats and dog in Kota Kinabalu....
Not a sunny day I guest and I keep busy with my assignment project paper
Ah ~~~ this so frustrating! I can't even concentrate on my work
So what am I to do? For now I think I’ll take a couple of deep breaths and get through today. Then I’ll study for the Statistic just in case... Indecisions indecisions, but I’m only 19, I’m allowed to change my mind a couple of times, right? … But for now; deep breaths and fingers crossed.
I wonder happen to the opposite of the world
Not a sunny day I guest and I keep busy with my assignment project paper
Ah ~~~ this so frustrating! I can't even concentrate on my work
So what am I to do? For now I think I’ll take a couple of deep breaths and get through today. Then I’ll study for the Statistic just in case... Indecisions indecisions, but I’m only 19, I’m allowed to change my mind a couple of times, right? … But for now; deep breaths and fingers crossed.
I wonder happen to the opposite of the world
January 14, 2011
January 11, 2011
HI readers, hopes everything fine with you usual just another post of the day and I hope this is not my last one....been very busy this year
but that will never stop me from writing, so very short post for today....(sigh)
but that will never stop me from writing, so very short post for today....(sigh)
January 10, 2011
New Subject
Hi everyone, well I'm not sure wether you could read my blog for now....
still have problem with my blog, and still problem arise from my daily college life (literally not a problem actually...)
Last semester I supposed....Arghhhhh
still have problem with my blog, and still problem arise from my daily college life (literally not a problem actually...)
Last semester I supposed....Arghhhhh
January 7, 2011
My blog creates more and more problem !!!
Hi everybody, just another flower of the day though. It's getting hot outside and I'm still haven't done my assignment...well waiting for my lecturer for giving me my USB. A little frustrated today because my blog was like CHAOS right now and I don't even know whether people can read my post for now.....
so I might not blogging for awhile, hopes everyone enjoy life to the fullest....=)
so I might not blogging for awhile, hopes everyone enjoy life to the fullest....=)
January 4, 2011
Bubbles of Happiness
Just one word, one look, one move,
Can burst a bubble of happiness,
And world seem to be loosing its balance,
But I built another,
Another bubble of happiness,
A brighter one,
Not giving in to negativity…
January 3, 2011
I read about this article from this website, click here
There so many kinds of resolution but all I know that few of it off course was include in my list of to-do resolution in 2011
so, what is your 2011 resolution?
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