Cisowsko-Orlowinski Landscape Park is situated in the south east part of Swietokrzyskie Mountains (the map). It occupies the fragment of Orlowinski, Ociesecki and Lisowski strips.
Biale Lugi Its greatest virtue is nature. In terms of biodiversity it surpasses Swietokrzyski National Park. The greatest park's nature wealth is flora. This biodiversity accompanies wealth of tree sets and peat bogs protected reserves. In the area of the park, there are 52 species of plants under protection and 15 species of rare plants. Woodland environment constitutes a mainstay for many animals, among which one can meet many deer, bucks, boars, badgers, elks and grouses. There is also the bird characteristic for taiga - a finch.
In the area of the park, near Lagowo there were two nature and landscape complexes created: "Lagowica Valley" and "Dule Ravine" with "Zbojecka Cave" - the unique station of liming with the cave which length is 200 meters.
The Complex of Jurassic Landscape Parks in Cracow was created in 1981 in order to protect the unique beauty of Jura Krakowska. The Complex of Jurassic Landscape ParksNowadays it is composed of 6 landscape parks. The area is varied in terms of morphology and landscape. The fauna of the parks is very rich as a result of varied natural conditions, such as surface features, substratum and microclimate.
Carpathian Landscape Parks are huge forested areas (65% of the park area are forests) varied by the meadows and pastures. The forest hides numerous meadows and peat bogs and low natural rock outcrops. As far as forest stand is concerned, the edaphic diversity and the community of beech wood predominate with the abundance of many other species. In dry ground forests located on lower areas there is broad leaved lime.
Kazimierski Landscape Park was created in 1979 as the eighth park in Poland and the first in Lubelskie Province. The area of the park is 11862ha, with the buffer zone of 28772ha. The park and its protection zone encompass partly or in the whole 10 gmins of Lubelskie Province. Within the borders of the park there are the fragments of Naleczowski Plateau, Belzecka Plain, Chodelska Basin, Małopolski Vistula and Radomska Gorge. Sub regions differ from each other in terms of characteristic features of the landscape.
Lagowski Landscape Park - The name of the Park derives from the town Lagy which is situated between the lakes. It had been known for ages for its fortified fortress with the gothic castle on the hill. Around it there are moraine hills (200 m above the sea level), overgrown with beautiful beech forests, cut across with deep ravines and long, narrow lakes, meandering as if they were a river. All of is makes the impression of a mountain area. There are many granite rocks, numerous springs and oval hollows filled with peat bog. This is the picture of geologic and climatic postglacial changes.
Nadgoplanski Millenium Park is the area of fields, meadows, pastures, forests, peat bogs, reedy areas, other wastelands, Goplo and Skulskie lakes. Goplo lake - the heart of the park used to be called Mare Polonorum. It is the breeding place of many water, mud and land bird species and the place of their rest during spring and autumn passages. The Millenium Park was created not only for bird protection, but also for protection of historical values of the region, connected with the beginnings of the Polish country.
Witold Slawinskiego Landscape Park of Primeval Forest creates the specific climate and possesses the unique nature resources. Suprasl gained the status of lowland, climatic and therapeutic mud health resort. The lowland, sylvan microclimate is healing for treating the diseases of respiratory tracks, locomotive organs, rheumatism, blood circulations system, depressions and digestive system. The deposits of therapeutic mud of Podsokolda will suffice for 300 years of exploitation.
Landscape Park of Warta River Mouth - The neighborhood surrounding of Kostrzyn is quickly passed by in a way trough the country border. This region is, however, one of the most interesting of Lubuska Land. The treasures of the nature, such as reserve of Slonsk or thermophilous swards in Owczary, in the ruins of Stare Miasto and the remaining of the kostrzynska fortress, where one can feel the climate of the 1940s. There are quiet villages, situated next to each other, in which the farmers will invite you for the rest in agrotourist households.
Landscape Park of Lodzkie Heights is one of the youngest landscape parks in Poland. It was created in 1996 on the area of 138 km2, although the idea of its foundation dates back to 1970s. The aim of the park is to protect a unique upland landscapes on the area of the Central Poland .
Podlaski Water Gap of Bug River - The area of the Park, for the sake of its beautiful, It crunchvaried and quiet landscape, clean water and healthy air, is the ideal place for recreation and rest for the people who want the close contact with nature.
In the Landscape Park there are 765 species of vascular plants, including 18 species of cryptogam plants, 5 species of phanerogamic plants and 742 species of cryptogamic plants. There are also 34 species of trees, 50 species of shrub bushes and dwarf shrubs and 681 species of herbaceous plants.
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