
August 14, 2010

Ramadan is coming

Hello everybody!
No, this isn't your eyes playing a sick joke on you,
it really is me coming at you with a blog update!
How lucky (or unlucky) for you!

Well, the summer has come and gone and it's been a busy one
Anyways, aside from relaxing everyday and riding my bike around town,
I've eaten a whole variety of different food in my hometown but since its the beginning of Ramadan, I have control myself from consuming a lot of food this month.
Feel hungry and tired, on Ramadan day from sunrise to sun goes down , I can't eat any food because ....well that's the tradition of Ramadan Month....

As far as I know about Ramadan, it is the 9th month of the Islamic year (which is lunar) and marks the anniversary of more than one significant event. It was during Ramadan that the Koran was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. According to legend, he was sitting alone in the wilderness when suddenly the angel Gabriel came to him with a golden tablet in his hands. The angel told Muhammad to read what was
written on the tablet. What was on this golden tablet is said to be the essence of the Koran, just as the Tablets of the Law that Moses received on Mt. Sinai were the basis of the bible's Old TestamentTO prevent me from thinking about food, I keep myself busy by doing some works, writing and reading a lot ( reading makes me relax...) Well my friends asking me whether I'm hungry or not but actually that not the question actually......

The purpose of fasting is to teach self-discipline and is needed to prepare for the suffering that Muslims may have to face in the course of obeying their God. They also feel it is a powerful means of defeating Satan because the poisons that are Satan's weapons are strengthened by eating and drinking. And they also all do it at the same time, creating a communal experience in which they all know what it's like to be hungry.

The Muslim belief states that whoever observes this fasting faithfully and with pure intentions, will have his or her sins forgiven. Fasting during Ramadan is said to be 30 times more powerful than fasting any other time of the year.

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