This step should be made based on the suitability of the local needs, conditions, goals and objectives.
1st step
the identification of heritage place or object
- involved locating and documenting the feature being considered
2nd step
research and inventory
- means the identifying and classifying the various features of heritage site or area to be conserved
3rd step
policy setting
- the goals for conservation and institutional framework are established. Largely based on the managment constraint and cultural significant
4th step
designation and protection occur where site is deemed worthy of conservation with some degree of legal protection
5th step
restoration and development
- emphasized the more physical tasks, such as restoration, renovation, developing the infrastructure and building visitors facilites
6th step
management and interpretation
- the final phase which required a long-term commitment to continuous monitoring and evaluating
September 30, 2010
September 27, 2010
New International Interest - JAPAN
Hello readers!! Fancy of knowing you stopping by my blog today!Okay first of all I've just finish my Transportation Management paper which I think quite hard than the previous paper.
For the record, I just had new International interest...I'm starting fancy Japan. Well since I'm learning Japanese in my study,and of course I fell in love withthe culture and tradition. So I followed this blog and I think its amazing where the author show some amazing design about modern Japanese design house which amuse me and I thought its perfectly design by the Japanese designer.
Another thing She introduce in her blog something that I think its very unique design plus some interesting place I think the best the kara kira chow which is the stationary designed beautifull card.
Okay just for today, had to do something....if you got time or chance try visit the kara kira chow....
For the record, I just had new International interest...I'm starting fancy Japan. Well since I'm learning Japanese in my study,and of course I fell in love withthe culture and tradition. So I followed this blog and I think its amazing where the author show some amazing design about modern Japanese design house which amuse me and I thought its perfectly design by the Japanese designer.
Another thing She introduce in her blog something that I think its very unique design plus some interesting place I think the best the kara kira chow which is the stationary designed beautifull card.
When I first learn the language I thought it would be hard for me to handle but turned out it wasn't that bad either. Well I haven't tried the food but I'll think I could give it a try ( even Shuushi I'm still don't know how it is tastes) ... oh I heard about this dish called wagashi which I think its a really cute dish.....Ooo how I love to taste all of the japanese cuisine..( mom lets go to Japan!!)
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wagashi image via google |
College, stories and obstacles
Hello readers!! Its me again. Well today I've finish my exam of transportation management which I think its kinda hard rather than our last mid-term. Of course if you read books, you won't forget everything.
Honestly I don't know what to post for today event. There's nothing special anyway. Hope to hear from you guys too!
Next time I really need to get my life back
Honestly I don't know what to post for today event. There's nothing special anyway. Hope to hear from you guys too!
Next time I really need to get my life back
September 22, 2010
College, Stories, and Obstacles
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Week of examination really kick my butt off and its worth of studying 6 hour for that..maybe? College life really are challenging, full of episode, drama and all but that's life, right? Well from my own point of view, Malaysian hype of college life was something I'm not going to look forward to growing up. Hmm plain life I guest. Some of my friend said that college life was a place to grow spiritually and connect relationally....Hmmm? Think again!
Here's a story in this one article "The Obstacles In Our Path". Okay I found out this story was quite interesting. What? I love stories....well few maybe. Okay so the stories goes like this.In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.
Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand - "Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition."
Well this story kinda have a big impact for me but on second thought life always have obstacles before you and just the matter on how you can handle it.
September 20, 2010
High school girl slashed in neck by man in Chofu by Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion
High school girl slashed in neck by man in Chofu › Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion
This is really shocking...haven't heard about these attack for awhile
This is really shocking...haven't heard about these attack for awhile
September 17, 2010
Just another flower I love the most..
Cherry Blossom
The flower symbolism associated with the cherry blossom is education. In China, the cherry blossom is also a symbol of feminine beauty. It also represents the feminine principle and love. In Japan, cherry blossoms symbolize the transience of life because of their short blooming times. Falling blossoms are metaphors for fallen warriors who died bravely in battle. This connotation links them with the samurai.
September 14, 2010
Eids day ...not bad at all . Part I
Hello readers, hope you guys doing just fine...well as for me I'm finish celebrating Eids day with my family....
it was such great time we had since 2 years ago....
1st Day
We went to our grandmother's house located not far from our hometown. Well its been awhile since we met them all and I got the chance to meet all my cousins, nephews and nieces ( oh how I miss them ..) whoa, I'm think getting old when I saw them. They grew up fast!!! Anyway, before all of us can eat, all the boys recite the prayers to thank God then....we eat happily..ngeh..
Okay, this might be boring but wait until I tell you about my visit trip to my father's house.
Well before I start, I would like to tell a little bit about my biological father ..... name Abdul Rahman, 39 this year( same age with my mom). ....He's not friendly person and love to be alone ( I don't know what my mom see in him....ngeh), always think he right in everything and don't accept other opinion including his from his brother or sister ....not even a religious person .okay thats all I can tell oh they already divorce with my mom but still ....we sibblings has to ask some pocket money from him, right?
So just us sibblings went to his house to celebrate the eids with him ( although I don't want to). Well his house located at Tanjung Aru near the beach....Then when we try to shake his hand, he quickly pulled his hand and pulled the stupid look that he always shows us....what the fuck old man....ah feeling better...
Well so what, we just went inside the house where we saw our grandmother lying on the couch then smiling when she saw us 5. She looks pale and weak....she 86 years old ...well to tell you the truth, I don't think my grandma ever remember us anymore...she just smile to us like meeting some sort of stranger or something which kinda make me feel sad about it. Back to the topic about my father, well after all these years, he still kind of person that you want to punch when you saw him.....actually last year we fight two days before eids and I hit him on the face and he just shock....hahahaha serve him right....I hate him, I'll never forget what he has done toward my mother which was so unforgivable....
My aunts and uncles are the best things that ever happen to me, their the one who always give me love and attention I need it and when they saw me in trouble they will help me but I can say that since they're my father sibbling they kinda hypocrite too!! ( ...I supposed you can't trust everyone 100% including your family ) After a few hours stuck inside 'his' house....we live and we don't even look at him....go to hell old man!!!
To be continue...
it was such great time we had since 2 years ago....
1st Day
We went to our grandmother's house located not far from our hometown. Well its been awhile since we met them all and I got the chance to meet all my cousins, nephews and nieces ( oh how I miss them ..) whoa, I'm think getting old when I saw them. They grew up fast!!! Anyway, before all of us can eat, all the boys recite the prayers to thank God then....we eat happily..ngeh..
Okay, this might be boring but wait until I tell you about my visit trip to my father's house.
Well before I start, I would like to tell a little bit about my biological father ..... name Abdul Rahman, 39 this year( same age with my mom). ....He's not friendly person and love to be alone ( I don't know what my mom see in him....ngeh), always think he right in everything and don't accept other opinion including his from his brother or sister ....not even a religious person .okay thats all I can tell oh they already divorce with my mom but still ....we sibblings has to ask some pocket money from him, right?
So just us sibblings went to his house to celebrate the eids with him ( although I don't want to). Well his house located at Tanjung Aru near the beach....Then when we try to shake his hand, he quickly pulled his hand and pulled the stupid look that he always shows us....what the fuck old man....ah feeling better...
Well so what, we just went inside the house where we saw our grandmother lying on the couch then smiling when she saw us 5. She looks pale and weak....she 86 years old ...well to tell you the truth, I don't think my grandma ever remember us anymore...she just smile to us like meeting some sort of stranger or something which kinda make me feel sad about it. Back to the topic about my father, well after all these years, he still kind of person that you want to punch when you saw him.....actually last year we fight two days before eids and I hit him on the face and he just shock....hahahaha serve him right....I hate him, I'll never forget what he has done toward my mother which was so unforgivable....
My aunts and uncles are the best things that ever happen to me, their the one who always give me love and attention I need it and when they saw me in trouble they will help me but I can say that since they're my father sibbling they kinda hypocrite too!! ( ...I supposed you can't trust everyone 100% including your family ) After a few hours stuck inside 'his' house....we live and we don't even look at him....go to hell old man!!!
To be continue...
September 6, 2010
" Its okay mum, fine by me! "
Yesterday, my mother told us that want to do some last shopping for this coming Eids so she want us twins to follow her. Well I think this was a great idea where we can some times with our mother after a while not speding time together. As mother and daughter activity or here we are dressing smartly then went to the shopping mall located in Kota Kinabalu. We was looking for new clothes to wear then suddenly mum told us that her friends were also at the mall. Me and my sister don't know whats actually going on but something smell fishy at that time. Then when two guys approach and greet us, I was shock that actually the 'S.S' guys ( that what me and my sister called them....SHHH) was friend of mum.
Then I thought for a while " wasn't this 'time-spending-moment are just for mother and daughter ONLY??" mum told us that she had invited her friends too, " What a good ways to spend time with someone you closed to, right my dear?" thats what she said. ...ngeh!!
So we look around and I didn't say a word to S.S guys, I know that their are being friendly with us twins but....( Sigh)
As far as I know about the two S.S guy were both from the peninsular Malaysia, and both working same field with my mother which was in Tourism line...Well my mother are kind of like not think negatively about the people , talk about 'Don't judge a book by its covers' phrase...when S.S guys invite us to watch movies (Two movies a day!!), I told my mum that not a good idea because for this coming eids, we got a lot work to do...but my saw my mum faces, a guilty feeling like does she had to cancel her date with her friends or postponed the shopping trip for eids....Well as a daughter, I was like " its o.k mum, you go ahead and enjoy"...but she insist she want us to join there we go watch movies on sunday afternoon with the S.S guys.
Then after the 1st movie, we went for a walk in the Shopping mall as its raining cats and dogs outside we went to 'Daiso' on the fourth floor, my favourite place...hehehe well it comes the 2nd after Korean Ace market. the S.S guys had to go somewhere else but they they said they'll meet us at 5.30pm. Mum and my sister show all the japanese material and things such as tupperware called 'Bento' I thought its really nice to have of those in our kitchen. I'm actually want to buy some ice - cream but turned out that the store had keep us waiting for so long and I give up the cue. ( I was really piss...). As we sister walk with my mum, I suddenly realize that its been awhile our haven't do family gathering. Well as a college student, I was fixed with my buzy schedule and the only thing I could focus on are my goals and study. I don't remember the last time me and my mother had a girls conversation....=(
I guest I've forgot about what its like to spend time with our mother, mums too always buzy with her work and she doesn't even have time for herself...a single working mother always buzy I guest. Sometime I pity her
5.30pm, we met the S.S guys and find some fancy Indian restaurant to get ready for breaking our 'fast', as the 'Azan' finally heard, my mother and my sister quickly recite the prayer and so does the S.S guys. Dinner time was funny because the 1st movies we watch involved some cutting of humans ( I forgot whats the title of the movies but I'm sure actor Jde Law was in that movie)....the Indian restaurant was the 1st Indian restaurant Ive ever been to, so all of us don't know what to order....luckyly there's menus on top of the site wall and I can order want I want list on the menus. Well I just ordered fried rice with chicken but the other fried noodle with meat with chicken, I don't eat noodles in Indian restaurant. I only eat noodles in chinese restaurant....sorry mum, I'm kind of picky about food too!!
Next we went for the next movies, Which I hated it so much. The movies was callled 'Piranha'. So gross that I had to take my sister with to the toilet and left my mum with her friends. Honestly speaking, I don't like watching movies that has horor and violence element in it......Okay the movie over around 10 o'clock. Great!!
Great day though, well although I don't really like the S.S guys, well they manage makes my mum laugh which makes me smile saw her smiling again....
Then I thought for a while " wasn't this 'time-spending-moment are just for mother and daughter ONLY??" mum told us that she had invited her friends too, " What a good ways to spend time with someone you closed to, right my dear?" thats what she said. ...ngeh!!
So we look around and I didn't say a word to S.S guys, I know that their are being friendly with us twins but....( Sigh)
As far as I know about the two S.S guy were both from the peninsular Malaysia, and both working same field with my mother which was in Tourism line...Well my mother are kind of like not think negatively about the people , talk about 'Don't judge a book by its covers' phrase...when S.S guys invite us to watch movies (Two movies a day!!), I told my mum that not a good idea because for this coming eids, we got a lot work to do...but my saw my mum faces, a guilty feeling like does she had to cancel her date with her friends or postponed the shopping trip for eids....Well as a daughter, I was like " its o.k mum, you go ahead and enjoy"...but she insist she want us to join there we go watch movies on sunday afternoon with the S.S guys.
Then after the 1st movie, we went for a walk in the Shopping mall as its raining cats and dogs outside we went to 'Daiso' on the fourth floor, my favourite place...hehehe well it comes the 2nd after Korean Ace market. the S.S guys had to go somewhere else but they they said they'll meet us at 5.30pm. Mum and my sister show all the japanese material and things such as tupperware called 'Bento' I thought its really nice to have of those in our kitchen. I'm actually want to buy some ice - cream but turned out that the store had keep us waiting for so long and I give up the cue. ( I was really piss...). As we sister walk with my mum, I suddenly realize that its been awhile our haven't do family gathering. Well as a college student, I was fixed with my buzy schedule and the only thing I could focus on are my goals and study. I don't remember the last time me and my mother had a girls conversation....=(
I guest I've forgot about what its like to spend time with our mother, mums too always buzy with her work and she doesn't even have time for herself...a single working mother always buzy I guest. Sometime I pity her
5.30pm, we met the S.S guys and find some fancy Indian restaurant to get ready for breaking our 'fast', as the 'Azan' finally heard, my mother and my sister quickly recite the prayer and so does the S.S guys. Dinner time was funny because the 1st movies we watch involved some cutting of humans ( I forgot whats the title of the movies but I'm sure actor Jde Law was in that movie)....the Indian restaurant was the 1st Indian restaurant Ive ever been to, so all of us don't know what to order....luckyly there's menus on top of the site wall and I can order want I want list on the menus. Well I just ordered fried rice with chicken but the other fried noodle with meat with chicken, I don't eat noodles in Indian restaurant. I only eat noodles in chinese restaurant....sorry mum, I'm kind of picky about food too!!
Next we went for the next movies, Which I hated it so much. The movies was callled 'Piranha'. So gross that I had to take my sister with to the toilet and left my mum with her friends. Honestly speaking, I don't like watching movies that has horor and violence element in it......Okay the movie over around 10 o'clock. Great!!
Great day though, well although I don't really like the S.S guys, well they manage makes my mum laugh which makes me smile saw her smiling again....
September 1, 2010
Japanese Oral test on Cloudy day
Okey today .. Suiyobi desu and its cloudy outside the window....Well today's the day for my first Japanese Oral Test where it supposed to started at 8.30a.m...hahaha I supposed to start at 9.50a.m hence according to my number of queue which is 17. but I was lucky that my Sensei told me that I can start my Oral test earlier than it supposed to be...Glad luck is in my hand for today.....sort of. =( Then, I teach some of my friends about Japanese for their revision..I'm glad about it they can do it too because all of them said that Japanese is....well 'Muzukashii desu' But for me I think its interesting to learn new languages especially when you are involved in tourism line ...hope today will be good day all of us but as for the weather....hope its not going to rain!!
The Malaysian will celebrating Eids on Saturday next week. Can't wait!! My family had prepared everything for Eids and this year we decided to celebrate it only with simple but great Eids...I used to think it's such a waste when planning for big occassions like this coming but life experiences had taught me to appreciate it more as I grow up, all great people that love me will soon left me one by one....miss my grandmother though..Well Happy EIDS for everybody aroundthe world.....god blesses all
The Malaysian will celebrating Eids on Saturday next week. Can't wait!! My family had prepared everything for Eids and this year we decided to celebrate it only with simple but great Eids...I used to think it's such a waste when planning for big occassions like this coming but life experiences had taught me to appreciate it more as I grow up, all great people that love me will soon left me one by one....miss my grandmother though..Well Happy EIDS for everybody aroundthe world.....god blesses all
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