
November 15, 2010

Kudat Field Trips Part II

Hello everyone, I'm just back from Kudat.
Ahhh...what an experiences I had way back from that place....tired yet so many sweet and great memories I'd gain from the trip fields and it's all with my fellow classmate. Cheers to all memories!

Okay on the way to our first destination, well you know how everybody was really excited about it.... some of my classmate even bought a guitar and play it along the journey. Well actually I never thought she was good in playing the guitar. Yup SHE. Who can resist good music from your friends and fall asleep? The journey to our firt destination takes about 2 hour from Kota Kinabalu. Thats a really long journey you know. As far as I remember, there's like three bus for this trip and of course DTM and DHM must stick together, right?

Okay back to topics, first destination was the Gombizou Honeybee Farm located in Matunggong, Kudat. You can read about this place in Sabah Tourism webpage. Sorry no picture for but I promise I'll include some picture later. We've some research by interviewing the people who manage the honeybee farm...the thing makes me itchy about this place was all the bees surrounding the lady who demonstrate about the honey-making...Ha I shoot some picture and run away from that place. Same goes to my sister too, we really hate bugs and all that stuff since we're little kid.
There's also honey that already been process and sold around....I think the big bottle was RM100, medium sized bottle was RM32 and the small one was RM14. After the honeybee, we went to the house where they present us their traditional dance called "Mogigol dance". And guest what I got the chance dancing with them. Although its a little embarassing, but hey let just think this way, the next time go there you won't be to dance with them because all the dancer their golden age. So its worth it.

Next, we went to our second destination which are the great Gong Makaing Factory which was the place for the Rungus people makes it muscial instrument which played durinf festivities and even weddings. According to the villagers, the place has been part of World Record which I think really amazing. Such a cultural and tradition that still exist till today and still continuing the great living tradition from the past.
This place located not far from the Gombizou Honeybee Farm where it only takes about 5 minutes from there.Before we leave, they present us with 2 traditional dances which are the " Manaradan" and "Mogigol" at the Sumangkap Village community Hall. Same with the previous one but just a bit different actually. Then we went to another house where Ms Rohana demonstrate on how to make the gong. She brief us all about 15 minutes on how to measure the surface before you actually can knock it, how many inches for the center ( its 3 inches for sure..). She said that it takes about 3 days to get the goong-making done. So its kinda a lot of work you know. All the goong are label acccording to numbers. We also went to the biggest goong (20 feet high) and its was really awsome.
We take a lot of picture with friends plus the goong itself. So great that the big goong will never fall down when there's strong wind blowing it.( except for apocolypse I think) Fun moment!

Next destination, we went to the Bavanggazoo(Rungus Longhouse), a very long house made of natural material such as bamboo and some straw. Funny things happen here, when we first arrive at the place we found the right longhouse, but somebody I don't know who,Shout from the back of our group and told us we get the wrong longhouse, we supposed to climb the hill 10 minutes away from that place to get to the right place. So we all climb the hill but I run.... You should look at my face....tired but fun too.
At the longhouse, I take some picture of the Rungus people selling some cultural bracelet and stuff. GORGEOUS
The door if you pay a visit to the place, you'll notice that the doors or the rooms names are labels according to birds name. I was attracted to this traditional puzzle for the Rungus but I don't even remember the name the people told that once this game was take serious for the women ONLY in the village where if they cannot solve the puzzle, they won't be able to get married. Hmmm....interesting. But my future doesn't depend on that thing for god sake!
And yes, they present with similar dance and some my friends are dancing too but one thing for sure attract when the old lady present a song by playing the flutes using her nose. Yes, her NOSE!!! She played graceful and delicated. I was like amaze by that, well some my friend are asleep (silly pig... ).
We can't get to Tamu Kudatbecause we're running out off time. Ngeh...

Next stop, Our resting place...its not some fancy hotel or something but good enough for us to sleep in. This what people said " back to basic" hehehehe . Okay I was group with my sister and two friends ( Micheal L. and Marilyn K.)which I think really great because their really nice people. 3 hour rest fine with me but I don't know the other including my sister. We then at 7.30p.m played a game ( passing puzzle )which was so....okay so lame but quite fun if you played with all total 70 plus of student in one night!
There few student incharge in this game where a cup of glass full of water was passing around in a circle of student with some music playing. And if the music stop or the water from the glass splash when you trying passing it, you'll get some punishment that totally embarrasing you. Ha ~~ I've once get the punishment by shuffling in front of everybody. But not for this trip! No way!
Funny thing was there's a girl were been punish by counting all the star and you know what she kept counting it. Hello ~~ just say crazy things like its has 8 billion star or something but she kept counting, counting and counting. Good luck with that! I'm really hungry at the time so I was just going with the flow.

After activity has ended, some student went into their room and some stil hanging around or having late night snack or something. Micheal went to dinner with Ah Tee and Vincent and my sister are just went straight back to our room. As for me, I went to department store with my friend Marilyn K. I bought food some cup instant noodles for me and my sister and for the dessert, just cocoa pie are enough good enough for your hungry little tummy!
Same goes to Marilyn K.
15 minutes after we came back to our room, we eat and done some talk in our room. Girls talk! Then Micheal and the boys went to the room which makes me quite suprised! Dull moment arose so us girl put make up to those 2 boys. Well the boys look so funny when their in make up especially Vincent whose face really looks like a girl!! All I can says was he's face looks pretty ugly but cute.
Surely I had lot of fun that a good way of course!
It was fun and tiring, so I slept early eventhought I actually can't sleep over there....

To be Continue in Part III

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