Christmas is just around the corner, and we tend to sometimes get a little carried away with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays; the shopping, the cooking, the baking, the decorations, the company, etc…

It’s so easy to forget just what this holiday is supposed to mean, and we become, dare I say, super self involved at a time when we should really be thinking of all those around us and to just be enjoying the magic of Christmas.
Hello readers! Hope you guys have a nice weekdays ( or not). . It didn’t bother me at first because I had just started my day, and I was sure that I’d have a good one

. Can you feel it too? Hmm...yes I know. After seeing people wondering around the street and do some nice Christmas shopping and after having listened to endless screaming children who kept running around the mall bumping into people...Argh...why you little

...Opps. Ehem, well back to the topic, 24 days til Christmas holiday and I'm now wondering how people around going to celebrate this huge occasion. Starting to get some Christmas tree perhaps?
Ha I still remember when I was a little kid I saw a boys

( maybe he's around my age for now)going up to these two people who were dressed up as elves, and they shyly asked the elves if they could take a picture with them( ngeh)

. The elves smiled, knelt down and took pictures with them and talked to them, all the while laughing, and I thought, okay, so maybe Christmas wasn't all about screaming kids or such.
So what have I learned

? A good and successful Christmas isn’t about throwing the best party, buying all the items on your Christmas list, or shoving and pushing past people to get to the head of the line in the store, but appreciating the smaller moments and nuances of Christmas and absorbing all those tiny little sweet and kind gestures that are happening all around you.
You only get to feel the magic of Christmas once a year ( NOOOO

).... So bask in it. Love it, and don’t let anything, mishaps or otherwise, ruin the best time of the year for you

, because if you do, you’re going to have to wait a whole entire year, that’s 12 months, 365 days, or 525 948.766 minutes (depending on how you want to look at it), before it comes around again.
So....HO HO HO Merry Christmas and best wishes to all
P.S Pss...listening to Christmas song really do me a favor though....
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