I straightly went to the bathroom to have my morning shower and the water at first was really COLD like ICE!! BRRRrrrr....Then suddenly the water turns out became really hot and I was really shock. As if I was bathing in hot boiled water. God this really killing me. I don't care and no choice but just straightly had to continue bathing. The bathroom situated in front of the Livingroom and when I went out lucky for me there was only my sister watching her favourite T.V show and perhaps just ignore me. I just smiled silently....(crazy...)
Later I found out that our friend Mr John Chin actually in early morning he was knocking each and everyones room with an intention to invite us go for a jog around the area...okay. FYR, the place that we stay ws really like ....maybe 20 minutes away from another stay-in or villa by car.... Well I'm to damn tired all those trip on the previous day.
Maybe next time...
Here's the map
I don't don't really exactly know about the entire area was but I'm pretty sure it was like this ...( pretty ugly huh..) Oh well looks like he had to do it alone I guest. Then my friend Esther, calling us for breakfast from the next door. But unfortunately not everyone was ready so I and my twins go with her to the Villa's main cafeteria and sat down searching for the waiter or waitress. American breakfast anyone? Just what I need to strengthen my weak energy ( ...the taste of sausage kinda like " off Beat"?)
Everyone was looks very tired during those hour and sleepy too! How I wish I had a camera so I can capture every funny moment when we were there. Since we had to pay for the transportation, we had to prepared some expenses so the bus driver would take us all back to K.K ( our home sweet home). Since it was going to rain that day, Mr J.C said that he had to cancelled our trip to Kinabalu National Park and when I heard that I was quite sad though because this were my first trip to Kundasang and I don't get the chance to visit some places that I want to go. That's okay but still dissapointed...
Mr J.C might trying to cheer everyone but stopping by at the edge of high hill 30 minutes from the villa's. Funny thing when we made it at the hill everyone was taking picture together and leave Mr J.C behind ....hahaha poor him ~
10 minutes break and we finally take off to K.K, right where we belong!!
- At first, everyone felt that this trip might not as good as the previous trip
- On our way to Kundasang, we came accross to accident where one which a car overturned and a truck that skidded off street, everyone was suprised but not the bus driver
- At poring, I saw a boy peeing in a pool which I think and feel bad for all the tourist who went inside the same pool
- That night, our dinner was chicken barbeque marinated with chicken sauce and such but funny things are...the taste seem a little bit sour!! Everyone thought it was the 'chef' fault but actually it's not
- Mr J.C saw a wooden insect which makes me screamed out loud and was really shock! Well he teach me and Gary Ting on how to get closer with the nature but Ting VS me, congratulation Gary Ting, you've won ( I run..)
- Same time at night, everyone was trilled with happy hour I supposed but we played the game called 'Truth or dare' turned out it was not really that fun at all
- Next visit to the hill, when everyone was ready for photo shoot with beautiful view at our back, later afterwards. the very strong wind and misty mist coming out from nowhere suddenly cover the view which makes everyone gone mad!! Mr J.c don't know what to do...
And yes, that's the end of the trip ~ Well pretty exciting huh?
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